

11/05/03-the search is over, our line-up is complete and we are back in business. our new singer is Tish Wolf(formerly of sweet bangin' a)  look for us in the near future for previews of coming attractions and our new shows and our new demo. that's all for now. -Josh

10/11/03-the time has come for brandon to part ways with the band. he has chosen to go the direction of starting a christian band. this is what he feels god wants him to do.  there is no bitterness between brandon and any member of since september.  we all wish brandon the best of luck in the future with his music and faith.  so, we're looking for a new singer. if you think you can fill his shoes drop us a line at sinceseptember@yahoo.com and we'll set up a time for you to come and play with us. all shows have been post-poned at the moment until further notice.  but fear not, the return of since september is closer everyday.  -Josh

9/17/03-yes its been a while since we've updated, but we've been really busy. we've been out of town a lot, we've been playing shows out the wazoo. anyway, so it's september again and you know what that means....we turn a year old, to celebrate we're gonna have an anniversary show on the 26th at the fathom with frankly scarlett and manvstree.  check out the shows page for that and other shows. its in the news that we're having a yard sale september 27th to raise some more money for the band, i don't know where it will be held so keep checking back for that. that's all for now. -Josh

8/15/03-What's up guys. We are having a car wash this Saturday again at Shoney's on Cleveland Hwy. Come support us. As far as shows go our next one is going to be at the end of August at Club Fathoms battle of the bands, www.clubfathom.com After that we prob won't be playing until after our Nashville trip. But hopefully we will be back on the ball by the middle of Sept. We will prob be playing a Birthday show, for the band, so be looking out for that. But thats all for now. Thanks-brandon

8/02/03-Sorry it long since we have updated. All of our shows in July were awsome. Hopefully we made some new fans. We have had a short little break but we are about to get back on the ball, that record deal isn't going to jump in our laps. We have come to realize that some of our cd's have turned out to be duds, if this has happened to you, just email us and we will get you another copy. Sorry about that if it happened to you. We are having a car wash on Aug. 9th, at Shoney's on Cleveland Hwy. Everyone is welcome to come out and get their car washed by us and some gals too. Donations will gladdly be excepted. We are trying to raise money for our Nashville trip in Sept. We gotta come up with $400 more dollars. Plus we have until Dec to pay off our equiptment bill, so all help would be greatly appreciated. We have a show this Sat by the way with Pistol Whip at The Fathom. Come check it out, it should be a good time, bring the kiddies. thats all for now-later-Wood

7/02/03-WE"RE DONE. The cd is finished, You can pick one up at our shows or you can send us an email(sinceseptember@yahoo.com). Come on out to The Fathom on July 12th. That is the Chattanooga cd release show. It should be a great time. Our tour starts friday. Hope to see everyone at our shows. SS FO EVA.-Wood

6/24/03-we're putting the finishing touches on our full length album right now, putting down some vocals, screams, finishing the bass, and then on to the mixing and mastering. it's going to sound really good, we can't wait until we start selling these.  we start selling them on our tour which starts on the 4th, and for all you chattanoogers you can get them july 12th at the fathom. that's gonna be a killer show.  and our t-shirts should be made by then as well. if you like out of the area and would like a cd, just e-mail us at sinceseptember@yahoo.com and let us know, and we'll get one to you. that's all for now.  JOSH

6/14/03- Well, well, well. It looks like recording is back on track. We start back up again today. Our cd "Awaiting a Blissful Renaissance" will be coming out in July. You can pick them up at our shows hopefully once we begin our tour. We almost have every date booked.  As soon as we do it will all be posted. Our cd release show in Chatty, will prob be July 12th, at fathom if all goes right. Tomorrow is my birthday, so send me an email or something.(brandon8047@yahoo.com). The CIA Awards are a week from today, we may be playing a showcase this Friday at The Local. Even if not, come and check out all the bands that we are up against and help support the local scene. Thats about it for now. Later- Wood





